When I have Forgotten

Steps out of the Illusion of Separation

Hanna Maria
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Liz Vo on Unsplash

When I have forgotten that

I am not my ego
I am not my past
I am not my stories
I am not my thoughts
I am not my emotions
I am not my personality
I am not my conditioning
I am not my identifications…

the slow flowing breath,
its gentle touch inside,
its other half, the now,
remind me.

They guide me…
deep into the tissues
and the marrow
of my body
my beingness.

There it is:
the Now.
The Truth.
That which is real.

Nature reminds me
that I am IT,
a part of
something much bigger
than my thinking mind.

The burnt mountain
shows me
innocent new life
after the fire.

The flower tells me
about my true essence.

The bird’s song mirrors
my innate joy.

The wind blows
my thoughts away.

The ocean shows me
my true being,
far below the waves.

My breath reminds me;
the depth of my body reminds me;
nature’s wisdom reminds me…

That I am Now
That I am Free
That I am Infinite

That I am IT.

Thanks for reading. Please clap, follow and comment if this touched you and you feel to support.



Hanna Maria
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I love the earth! I like to see a healthier and kinder world that honours all life and I know that any change in the world always starts within, with me ...